New PCSafer 2010 offers a maximum Protection so that you benefit fully from Internet. You can carry out your purchases and your banking transactions on line with an absolute peace of spirit!
You have the right to sail on Internet with your family!
PCSafer fights against the spywares & adwars harmful which buffoons your CPU and your band-width, new the threats is quickly to identify - 5 minute after the Infection - our system manages the problem and automatically you will be to disinfect or informed step to be followed.
You will be to protect from:
1. Spyware: One software spy is a malevolent software which infects a computer with an aim of collecting and of transmitting to thirds, information of the environment on which it being installed without the user am not aware of it.
2. Virus: hostile program likely to infect your files while inserting a copy there of itself. It can result from it from the various dysfunctions, such as the obliteration of data of the hard disk. It is GeneRally transmitted by e-mail. More, defer to our solution page safety to learn some more on the anti-virus.
3. Malware: indicate the whole of the hostile, harmful software like the viruses, the worms, the Horses of Troie
4. Trojan: Program malicious proposing a visible function attractive, useful or amusing, and achieving in background of the tasks not envisaged by the user, and potentially destroying or corrupting with benefit of its transmitter, by analogy with the Trojan horse historique.
5. Phishing: Fishing with the personal data, or phishing, is a type of sending of fraudulent emails which cause serious problems. The defrauders send messages which seem to come from legitimate and recognized companies. Messages often the recipients inform that their account poses problem and their ask to provide, on a Web site, information on their count and on themselves.